Casualty Management Software

Our Casualty Management Software helps you get a grip on large-scale and/or multi incident crises. Focusing on registration, tracking and tracing of individuals from the incident area up to their release from medical care or reception centres, BPREPARED enables first responders and medical-psychosocial personnel to provide essential information to hospitals, emergency services, authorities and relatives.


Registration, tracking and tracing of individuals from the incident area to their release from medical care or reception centres.


BPREPARED enables first responders and medical-psychosocial personnel to quickly register and track casualties and others involved, providing essential information to hospitals, emergency services, authorities and relatives.

Incident grouping

Incidents can be grouped for easier management, particularly when multiple events occur simultaneously.

Archiving and evaluation

Our software includes archiving capabilities for post-incident analysis and evaluation. This allows for the continuous improvement of emergency response protocols.

Find more information below about the key modules of the BPREPARED Mass Casualty Incidents Software, designed to support efficient coordination, registration, and care delivery during large-scale emergencies.

Medical support Victim registration, tracking and tracing

How it works: victims are registered at the incident site, using standard mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets by emergency responders. This allows for a quick overview of the situation. Each victim receives a wristband  containing multiple stickers with a unique QR code which serves as their personal identification number throughout the entire process.

Reception centre Psychosocial support in the reception centre for the non-injured

During an incident, the reception centre prioritizes care for affected individuals, reconnecting them with their relatives. Again, information on individuals and their special needs is registered thanks to the unique QR code on their wristband. Details such as accommodation or psychological care can be added into the software. 

Contact centre Giving concerned relatives information as fast as possible

After a mass casualty incident, relatives are desperate to know as quickly as possible what has happened to their loved ones, often resulting in a flood of calls to hospitals, police stations and other institutions. Managing this influx of data from various sources becomes increasingly challenging, especially when the information is conveyed verbally through numerous spreadsheets with inconsistent formatting. Additionally, GDPR compliance can further complicate this process.

Command post dashboard All the information you need in one screen

During mass casualty incidents or evacuations, having access to real-time data is essential for clear and informed decisions. Relying on verbal observations or inconsistent lists can lead to confusion and inefficiencies, impeding the ability of the command post personnel and operational leaders to allocate resources correctly, share accurate information with authorities and communicate effectively with the media.

Self-registration A way to contact people who left the scene

Developments in recent years have shown that, in addition to the more intense nature of incidents, bystanders are taking action themselves by transporting the injured to hospitals, providing local victim support and offering shelter. Actions that have saved lives.